So, are you all ready to hear some karuthu?
If your answer is A BIG NO. Better stop reading further .... :P because it might bring blood from your eyes.. That much karuthu :P
If you are reading further, First of all a big hand shake and congratulations to you for the BIG STRENGTH you possess.. Hey friend, u note this, the strength you possess ,this strength is all enough for you to lead this one life,..
Question in my mind ,Yaanai palam (elephant strength) is enough for everyone to lead their life??????.
To lead a happy peaceful life,
as a little human being ,I thought one day, if my dad got me that chocolate i will be happy,
as a big grown up, i thought, love is all enough,
as a grown up having that love, enough money needed for me to be happy,
so finally like many human living beings, I am running behind money to be peaceful and happy... all of you may ask ,how much money,you think you may need to be happy and peaceful,
Seriously, secretly ,I had that question and still having that question...
Being In my about to reach 30s, married and no children,
I wonder day to day, how i can make and keep myself neutral( happiness and peacefulness) always and forever..
I heard that ,for so many wise people itself, it was tedious task to achieve inner peace and happiness.
I want to share my personal learning or experience in keeping or making me happy and peaceful,
There are so many good things that gives good vibes like
My personal experience is that,when I had experience the above , I felt happy and peaceful.
When in doubt, Watch your thoughts and check its vibe, if it gives you good vibe , keep it, let it grow, if not, change your vibe to feel good, that's all , you will feel happy and peaceful :)
QUOTE of the day : Try again and again until you succeed.
When you truly want something and go after it without limiting yourself with disbelief, the universe will make it happen.

I would like to know your learning that helping to keep you happy and peaceful at all times :) share in comments :)